The Alarm Clock
Every morning, Robert has to get up - it is a matter of life and death... He has therefore devised a thousand ingenious mechanisms to force himself out of bed.
Release year: 1996
Director : Marc-Henri Wajnberg
Screenplay : Marc-Henri Wajnberg
Starring : Jean-Claude Dreyfus
A Wajnbrosse production
In co-production with Panic Productions and Alya Productions (France)
With the support of the French Community of Belgium and Canal +

Marc-Henri Wajnberg - 7'
Le Réveil - Extrait
Rail d'Or - Cannes Film Festival, 1996
Grand Prize - Potsdam Festival 1996
Best Short Film - Vevey International Comedy Film Festival 1996
Best Comedy Short Film - Palm Springs International Festival 1996
Best Director Award - Capalbio International Short Film Festival 1996
Audience Award - Capalbio International Short Film Festival 1996
Prize of the French Community - Namur International Film Festival 1996
Palme d'Argent - Huy International Short Film Festival 1996
Best Actor - Huy International Short Film Festival 1996
Best Director Award - Bucharest International Short Film Festival 1996
Young Audience Award - Stains Short Film Festival for Young Audiences 1997
Creative Short Film Award - St-Ouen Railway Film Festival 1997
Audience Award - International Film Festival in Beauvais 1998
Best Absurd Fiction Award - Mediawave Festival - Gyor 1998
Best International Short Film - 1998 Wine Country Festival
Grand Prize - Badalona Short Film Festival 2001
Audience Award - Badalona Short Film Festival 2001
Golden Crescent - Breakfast at the Cinema 2001
Award for Best Film broadcast in the TVB Filmets program - International FILMETS Festival in Badalona 2002
*Cannes Film Festival 1996 (Cannes, France)
*Potsdam Festival 1996 (Potsdam Germany)
*Mediawave Festival 1998 (Gyor, Hungary)
*Vevey International Comedy Film Festival 1996 (Vevey, Switzerland)
*Palm Springs International Festival 1996 (Palm Springs, California)
*Capalbio International Short Film Festival 1996 (Capalbio, Italy)
as well as 34 other festivals including Bucharest, Beauvais and Badalona