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Mika, 14, is kicked out of his home and finds himself in the streets of Kinshasa. As the story unfolds, choices are offered. You decide what to do with the film.

The virtual reality film Kinshasa Now is an experience where the spectator is immersed, thanks to a 36° VR headset, in the middle of the streets of Kinshasa while discovering the daily life of a street child.​

Technical sheet

Director : Marc-Henri Wajnberg

Starring : Mika Bangala, Winner Kanga, David Lemba, Patrick Makambo, Chancelvie Kaponge

Interactive version : 65 minutes of film with 40 possible paths, the duration of which varies between 7 and 25 minutes.

Linear version : 21 minutes

Year : 2020

A Wajnbrosse production
In co-production with
RG & Créatifs Associés (DRC), Wim Forceville (Belgium)
With the support of the Cinema and Audiovisual Center of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Creative Europe Media, The Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Wallimage Creative and the Canada Media Fund, Belga Productions, Tax Shelter, UNICEF, Amnesty International, Trust Merchant Bank, Jean-François Peterbroeck Foundation, Groupe Forrest International, Wallonie-Bruxelles International and the Swiss Association of Friends of Dr Janusz Korczak.

Kinshasa Now poster
Kinshasa Now - Trailer

Kinshasa Now - Trailer

Play Video

“If Kinshasa Now works, it owes it to various reasons: the first is due to its casting (...). The second is due to the quality of his scripts."  


“The experience is unimaginable and without comparison. The subject of the film is obviously deeply enriched."  


"Quite overwhelming choices and experiences that make people fully aware of the reality of street children"  

The Evening

“One of the pioneers of interactive virtual reality films is Belgian director Marc-Henri Wajnberg, who shone this year at the Venice Film Festival with the educational film Kinshasa Now."  


“Kinshasa Now is an ambitious and comprehensive interactive documentary work. His writing and execution are impeccable"  

Céline Tricart, President of the Jury - 360 Film Festival


Grand Prix - Satis - 360° Film Festival 2020 (Paris, France)

Best Virtual Reality and 360° - Crown Wood International Film Festival 2021 (Calcutta, Inde)

Best Virtual Reality and 360° - L'âge d'or International Arthouse Film Festival 2021 (Calcutta, Inde)

Gold Award - Virgin Spring Cinefest 2021 (Calcutta, Inde)

Best VR and 360 ° - The Druk International Film Festival 2021 (Paro, Bhutan)

Grand Prix - Tagore International Film Festival 2021(Bolpur, Inde)

Gold Award - World Film Carnival 2021 (Singapour)

Best VR - Sun of the East Award 2021

Best VR - Krimson Horyzon International Film Festival 2021 (Calcutta, Inde)

Best Virtual Reality - Buenos Aires International Film Festival - BUEIFF 2021 (Argentine)

Honorable mention - Realtime International Film Festival 2021 (Nigeria)

Best 360 degrees movie - Realtime International Film Festival 2021 (Nigeria)

Meilleur court métrage VR - Prix Spécial - Alpinale Short Film Festival 2021 (Autriche)

Meilleur court métrage VR - Festival Villa del Ciné 2021 (Bogota, Colombie)

Best Virtual Reality Film - One Earth Awards (Inde)

Award Winner - Luis Bunuel Memorial Awards (Inde)

Best Virtual Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR) and 360° Video - Black Swan International Film Festival

Award de l'Innovation Numérique - Awards 2023


*Mostra de Venise 2020 (Venise, Italie)

*Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival 2020 (Jihlava, République Tchèque)

*Festival dei Popoli 2020 (Florence, Italie)

*Satis - 360° Film Festival 2020 (Paris, France)

*FIPADOC 2021 (Biarritz, France)

*Festival du Court-Métrage de Clermont-Ferrand 2022 (France)

*MAAM - Muestra de Antropología Audiovisual de Madrid 2021 (Espagne)

*New Images Festival 2021 (Paris, France)

*Movies That Matter 2021 (La Haye, Pays-Bas)

*Sunny Side of the Doc 2021 (La Rochelle, France)

*Fantastic Zagreb 2022 (Croatie)

*Alpinale Short Film Festival 2021 (Autriche)

*Quinzaine du Cinéma Francophone 2020 - Festival Francophonie Métissée (Paris, France)

*Doxs! documentaries for children and youth 2021 (Allemagne)

*Docville 2021 (Louvain, Belgique)

*Real World XR 2020 (Melbourne, Australie)

*Better-Than-Reality Awards - VRFocus 2020 - Catégorie Global Impact (Londres, UK)

*Crown Wood International Film Festival 2021 (Calcutta, Inde)

*Berlin Lift-Off Film Festival 2021 (Berlin, Allemagne)

*L'âge d'Or International Arthouse Film Festival 2021 (Calcutta, Inde)

*Virgin Spring Cinefest 2021 (Calcutta, Inde)

*The Druk International Film Festival 2021 (Paro, Bhoutan)

*Tagore International Film Festival 2021 (Bolpur, Inde)**

*Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival 2021 (Manchester, UK)

*Krimson Horyzon International Film Festival 2021 (Calcutta, Inde)

*World Film Carnival 2021 (Singapour)

*Sun of the East Awards 2021 - Catégorie 360 - en ligne

*Austin Lift-Off Film Festival 2021 (Austin, US)

*Buenos Aires International Film Festival - BUEIFF 2021 (Argentine)

*Tokyo Lift-Off Film Festival 2021 (Japon)

*Realtime International Film Festival 2021 (Lagos, Nigeria)

*Guanajuato International Film Festival - GIFF 2021 (Mexique)

*Bolton Film Festival 2021 (Manchester, UK)

*Mostra internazionale del Cinema Sociale 2021 (Naples, Italie)

*AVANCA 2021 (Aveiro, Portugal)

*Los Angeles Lift-Off Film Festival 2021 (Los Angeles, USA)

*Festival Villa del Cine 2021 (Bogota, Colombie)

*VRE Fest 2021 (Rome, Turin, Milan, Palerme, Italie)

*I-Fest International Film Festival  Calabria 2021 (Cosenza, Italie)

*Soif d'idéal - Le Festival du Film d'Éducation 2022 (Bruxelles, Belgique)

*Les passeurs du réel 2022 (Namur, Belgique)

*Lift-Off Filmmaker Sessions @ PinewoodStudios (Iver, Royaume-Uni)

*One Earth Awards 2022 (Bangalore, Inde)

*Luis Bunuel Memorial Awards (Inde)

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